The RWS Open at the Bankside Gallery

RWS will be exhibited at the Open Bankside Gallery from March 4th to 20th . This article is about what I'm seeing on the internet (my post-op ankle with no weight bearing while sitting on a scooter on the sofa with my knees pulled up!)

Jennifer Macrae

David: Summer in the West End

watercolor on paper



What makes RWS Open different

The Royal Watercolor Society takes a different approach to opening exhibitions than other national arts associations. epoch

  • Special audience competition e
  • An exhibition dedicated exclusively to non-members.

I feel compelled to say this most likely because they exhibit in the Bankside Gallery which is smaller than the other venues used by the National Trade Association and therefore would mean open registrations included in mixed member shows.

  • Whether participants are working or not (which they won't like!)
  • Or the number of non-members displayed is suppressed, meaning they don't attract too many memberships.
However - after a year-long hiatus due to the outbreak (when all art galleries closed a year ago) - the RWS Open can now be seen at the Bankside Gallery - except for me. I haven't woken up alone for at least three weeks and probably won't be running until the end of April.

How do you rate this exposure? Well, all I can do is search the internet - I will.

Open RWS online

The first thing I noticed is this

RWS Open, formerly known as the Contemporary Watercolor Competition (among many other titles in the exhibition's more than 50-year history), is the largest open watercolor exhibition in the world, attracting thousands of national and international participants each year.
  • The online exhibition is not available on the Bankside website. Instead , all of the art images are on the RWS website . It means
    • You can archive all of his past exhibitions online on the RWS website.
    • Let's not forget that picture storage is cheap and it seems crazy to go through all the hassle of organizing an exhibition only to miss the opportunity to keep the exhibition pictures or artists from the exhibition after the exhibition is over continue to sell!
    • I think this is a very clever strategic marketing move and I wish more than the art community would copy it!
The election of a small group of RWS members has remained unchanged. For the RWS Open 2022, the selectors were the RWS President, three other candidates and a guest judge.

online show

A few comments on how the online exhibition works, then I introduce the artists whose work I like.

online posting

The miniature (compared to other finds) is quite small and bears the name of the artist and indicates whether the work was awarded or not.

The display scrolls smoothly on my iPad Pro (which means it's not limited to pages), but it works better in portrait than landscape.

But in my opinion the RWS site makes three big mistakes.
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