Just a few problems

I'm sorry. I am currently having trouble with continued recovery from surgery. Therefore the blog is suspended.

For the last week (weeks 11 and 12 post-op) I have struggled to walk on crutches while carrying the weight (up to 50% of my body weight) on my right ankle which (hopefully) has now healed. ! I'm going to take an X-ray next Tuesday to see if my bone has grown...

But hiking is easier said than done.

I had the opportunity to mobilize my leg with the help of crutches under the forearm (because I also had to change shoulders!) And it was very difficult.
  • I use the lower back muscles, I haven't really used them in a few weeks. (I am now 12 weeks post-op.)
  • As a result, my back screamed in pain!
  • My lower back is also very stiff and very sore which is very annoying with anything I do let alone walking.

So I do nothing but try to find a solution to the problem - be it medication, trying to escape the physical therapist, sacroiliac stretching, new shoes to help me walk, or spinning at home instead of crutches. !

The bottom line is that I'm not having much fun right now and I'm not very good at blogging.
Hence the large gap between the blog posts.

My intelligent forearm uses crutches after "walking".
- with an open boot to indicate how many layers to take
I have not had a severe allergic reaction to ear fungus
and prevented my feet from slipping into boots
I have 5 socks!

Today I switched to a homemade scooter to see if it works better. According to preliminary data, my back doesn't hurt very much, but tomorrow morning when I try to get out of bed, I'll do a serious examination!

PS The good news is that it doesn't hurt when I "roll" on the floor with a stroller. It feels a bit but I'm hoping the hiking boots will be taken off next Tuesday and I can go fully loaded - in my usual (for me) boots which are my very durable Brooks Beasts!

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