The Burrell Collection reopens today

The Burrell Collection in Glasgow will reopen to the public on March 29 at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday . The museum was completely renovated, and the museum closed on October 23, 2016.

It refers to upcoming events to mark renewal, reunion and reopening.

In 1987, I went to the Burrell Collection as a study visit to the UK to obtain an MBA from the London School of Business. We went to Glasgow to renovate ourselves, to create a new image for the future, as an example of a busy city.

The first impression was amazing. It was set in the wooded forest of Polok Country Park, in a crystal clear space that reveals the collection to visitors. I was amazed when I saw the old glass and architectural elements built in a very modern building.

I remember looking at the collection from the outside, then looking at the tree from the inside.

I remember it was a very messy love museum that had been renovated.

About the Burrell Collection:

The Burrell Collection is a museum in Glasgow, Scotland, run by the Glasgow Museum. There is a collection of Sir William Barrel and Constance, an internationally renowned collection of Lady Barrel art.

The collection includes:
  • A collection of more than 9,000 items from six people to six millennia
  • He understands
    • A rich collection of medieval art, including tiny stained glass and intricate upholstery, oak furniture, medieval weapons ah armor,
    • Islamic art,
    • Models of ancient civilization
    • An impressive collection of Chinese pottery and porcelain, produced over 5000 years, making it one of the most powerful collections of Chinese art in Europe;
    • The impressionistic work of Degas and Cézanne ,
    • Modern sculpture
Flat Red Ballet (circa 1900) Edgar Hiller Germain Degas (pastel)

The Burrell Museum in Polo Country Park was opened in 1983 by Queen HM. The building was built after a design competition, created a very interesting and innovative design. The design of the building has several stained windows

Unfortunately, the stained glass windows were leaking, and the building needed major repairs to meet the requirements of accessibility and durability.

The reform

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