210th Exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours

The RI 2022 Annual Exhibition opened to the public on April 14 at Gallery Mall and lasted until April 23.

  • Above, you can see the catalog cover currently online at Issuu .
  • You can also view the paintings online at Gallery Mall . Unfortunately, there are no presentations or arrows to take you to the next picture, and getting into each of them is tedious. I always feel sorry for those who have titles at the bottom of the alphabet. I always thought that to get to the page that displays all the artwork of an artist in the exhibition, I had to go to the names of the exhibitors. I talk about how things can improve over time - and sometimes we get that change in the future. I live with hope ....
  • The gallery will be available on the Mall website after the opening of the online virtual display . When I'm done, I go back and add the link.

Features of the Exhibition Works selected exclusively for this exhibition by members of the Institute as well as non-member artists! This annual RI exhibition presents a range of works with watercolors, acrylic, paint and gouache on paper or print media.
For me, this 2022 annual exhibition of the Royal Institute of Artists in Watercolor (RI) will be another exhibition I only see online.

(Update week 10 after surgery: I am now allowed to keep my feet easily inside my walking shoes. I have tried to move / walk on crutches, but I have osteoarthritis in my shoulder (listed as an option) and both rear.)) Immediately!) I do not like boots and still ride my scooter. A big improvement in 8 weeks is that my feet are completely on the ground!)

It is the largest watercolor exhibition in the UK and well worth a visit. I have always enjoyed visiting these exhibitions and this year I will personally miss seeing them.

I will comment later when I have the opportunity to see a work of art that is not so simple in online catalogs and galleries and will appreciate its original size.

RI Show - Schedule of events

There is a program of events during the exhibition. The events are as follows:
  • Thursday 14 April | 11:00 - 16:00: Talk to Lilia August in the gallery. Anne Kevington will criticize the drawings presented publicly.
  • Saturday 16 April | 11.00 - 16.00: Painting with Gary Cook in the gallery.
  • Saturday 16 April | 1:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday 19 April | 14:30 - 16:30: Watercolor interior painting with Roger Dealer.
  • Tuesday 19 April | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Winsor & Newton will host a special evening with NEW members to exhibit and discuss watercolor techniques using Winsor & Newton products (special event, please book tickets here ).
  • Wednesday 20 April | 11.00 - 16.00: Painting in the gallery with John Noble.
  • Thursday 21 April | 11.00 - 16.00: Jean Nobel will criticize drawings brought by the public
  • Friday 22 April | 11.00 - 16.00: Painting in the gallery with Brian Smith.
  • Saturday 23 April | 11.00 - 16.00: Painting in the gallery with Matthew Finn. Chat with gallery visitors with Jean Robinson.

New members and deceased members

Four members have died since the last show in 2021. These are:
  • Paul Banning - Turner Water Color Award Bronze medal for outstanding art group. In 2011
  • Harry Price was elected a member in 2003
  • Peter Weaver RI RBA ARBS (1927-2022)
  • Honorable Retired Member: Susan Pendard - Died peacefully on August 9, 2021 at the age of 96.
Also, four new members have been elected. This:
I often think that those seeking membership should consider those who have been invited to become full members in recent years. You can learn a lot.

Read more about the exhibition

  • Acceptance: 5 £
  • Admission is free for Mall Gallery friends and those under 25 years old.
  • Discounts available.
  • April 14-23
  • Open: 10:00 - 17:00.
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