POLL: What was the best place to sell your art in 2021

In 2022 I will repeat my monthly survey . Overall, I think they provided a lot of helpful feedback for professional and hobby artists, as well as those who want to get more out of their art, especially commercial art pursuits.

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I started the year, the monthly survey, reviving the surveys on the best art outlets. I have done this several times and have always gotten interesting results.

HIGHEST PROFITS: Where is the best place to sell art in 2021?

The first topic is PROFIT
  • WHICH venues/opportunities that generate sales of your art also generate the most income?
  • For example, "Most of the savings" may be due
    • A LOT of income, even if the margin between income and expenses is small
    • VERY LOW COST - so all sales increase your maximum profit
    • HIGH QUALITY SALES - save a lot of money, even if the cost is high
You can familiarize yourself with the recording below.
Below the query, I explain what platform I created it on and anything else you want to know.


My old platform (CrowdSignal) stopped working for me so I switched to Google Forms . I spent a lot of time this afternoon learning how to use it for shots like this, but to no avail! If you have any problems, please let me know.

Don't worry, I designed the survey in such a way that no personally identifiable information (eg email) is required or collected.

By the way, to make MONEY in 2021, we need to get results showing the three most popular options (i.e. the profit you make for an option minus the costs associated with that option).

I will also be posting this survey on my Art Business Information website so I can continue to collect information on the most profitable places.

You can also find recordings on this page How to sell your art

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Below are links to the survey results for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
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