How to describe art

There are various terms used to describe different methods for developing a work of art.

Here's my comment on what they mean.

"The work of life"

Working with life is a practice deeply rooted in the artistic tradition, even before the discovery of photography, projectors and other technologies.

It is usually used to work with the object in front of you, be it a landscape, interior, still life or person.

No photos, no samples, no projection screens. The artist must measure the object and judge the meaning of color with his eyes: the experience and skills he has acquired throughout his life.

Conclusion - This mainly applies to:
  • Develop your skills by saving many lives
  • Then, believe your eye, "Draw and draw what is in front of you."
Practice is very helpful in developing skills. Some artists usually think of keeping sketchbooks and drawing something from everyday life.

Pets make them useful, as they sit for long periods of time waiting for a photo.
This is a very quick sketch - an ink sketch of my sad place cat
It reports that I painted several times
- So I know what features should be included
(Ink pen; Catherine Tyrell)

Exterior painting

"En plein air" is a French word. It is often used to describe street paintings away from the studio. Dedicated artists continue to paint in any weather.

Sometimes it is used as an insult to represent nature, the natural world.

Originally developed during the 19th century. The practice of "on the spot" landscape drawing became possible with the development of technology, which allowed artists to use tube paint instead of bladder paint.

  • Around the world, many teams of artists are dedicated to aromastography, some of them exhibiting regularly.
  • Some profession artists make their mark as landscape painters and some post the process on Instagram. (See below)
The equivalent of Etud in cities is called "Urban Sketch".

Check out this post on Instagram

Posted by Peter Brown (@ petethestreet1)

Other shortcuts.

The French word plein air refers to the practice of drawing all the finished paintings in front of the door.

The work of life

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