How Art Societies can use Zoom
Your industrial community hosts AGM in Zoom. If not, why not?
Does your art association conduct online exhibitions / webinars / reviews?
One of the things that art associations have always found unsatisfactory to me is that large-scale associations (such as non-local art groups) used to hold annual general meetings together. The date, time, and place are convenient for those who lead the community but are often not satisfied with most of its members, especially those who have to travel long distances to participate.
I remember traveling all over the country to attend the General Assembly on Sunday evening at 3:30, I had to go back to work the next day. Overall, I was not impressed with the amount of attention paid to members.
As a result, general meetings can often yield the following results
- Low attendance (percentage of total members)
- An interesting agenda, ie an idea or discussion about what the society should do / how it can change / what it can do in the future
- He chose the same person to do the same thing again.
Should we be surprised?
Probably not. It is as if many companies and organizations have been holding general meetings for decades, if not centuries.
One of the advantages of the epidemic, however, is that it provides a new way of doing things.
I searched online: found examples of several online migrant art companies for regular meetings և and / or general meetings. Originally, these were companies that started using Zoom during the epidemic for other aspects of their current business, such as discussions and / or criticism with members.
Zoom AGM was held Freemley եմ Camberley Art Association February 2022 |
Again, Coronavirus, this time in the form of a new version of Omicron, says that the general assembly should be through Zoom. Relatively few members can participate this way, but members will receive it in an email newsletter.
About a decade ago, the problem was that you could not use email to communicate regularly with members.
Email is common now հաջորդ The next challenge for members վել is to sign up for Zoom.
How can enlargement accelerate organizational change?
The advantage of viewing magnification as an alternative to general meetings is that you can use magnification.
- Increases the interactive presence of larger members և participation in travel. This means that there is an opportunity for more people to be involved և to contribute to the sustainable well-being և development of the industrial community.
- Avoid irritating "long" speeches
- Let the organizers think about the agenda and who will speak
- Develop time management skills among organizers և participants և . "Free options" can be և limited to meeting time (for example, 3 to 100 participants, enlargement meetings are limited to 40 minutes).
- Let industry companies think about payment options so that they can have unlimited, long meetings for different purposes throughout the year. The cost of a paid basic license (UK £ 119.90 years) can be cheaper than renting a room for a general meeting.
- The members who have to attend the meeting have had their travel expenses significantly reduced and their travel expenses paid .
Activities of Jume Industry Association
I quickly looked around to see what I could get through the activities of the Zuma Art Community.Local industrial companies
See Berkhamsted Art Society Newsletter 389 .
- Zoom Coffee Morning has been described as " very popular" - a place where people can talk about art, tips, techniques, appreciate art, and the topic - "homework".
- Zoom Life Drawing Session - based on working with the right lifestyle model
- Zoom Demo - Use Remote Tutor to show solutions to specific topics just like regular conversation. Plus, they all benefit from the same perspective
Since this is our first online exhibition, we are pleased to find that our approach to the artist և's work is better than what you often find at Civic Center.
- Critical evenings can work just like regular sessions, but online.
- Be part of a community of like-minded people
- Participate from home և reduce travel time / expenses և feel safe
- Keep learning about potential interests և activities
- The Guildford Art Association is hosting an exhibition in 2022, such as a virtual exhibition or an online video presentation . However, they also offer face-to-face opportunities.
- Radlet Art Society presents lessons through Zoom
- Richmond Art Society - Their classroom is now a mix of staff: magnification
- Lime Regis Art Society - Performs regular shows via Zoom
Dorking Artist Group - During the epidemic, Dorking Artist Group supported և recruited 185 members with regular weekly themes / programs through Zoom, social media և our site և Quickly featured performances by various artists. Signs of life. In 2021 we held our general online meeting ում at the beginning of the block we created an online sales gallery for our members. For non-tech members, we communicate with them via landline or mobile phone. For many of our members, we have become a lifeline that protects their interest in art, painting, painting, helps them get involved, avoids the common youth diseases that everyone suffers from. In the summer of 2021, we conducted our weekly outdoor painting և painting classes in different parts of our area. In October 2021, we finally met again at our regular weekly venue, although we still have demos and lectures on Zoom.
The South African Artists' Association , of which I am a member, holds monthly meetings, demonstrations, and lectures on the spread of the epidemic. It was a complete learning curve. We recently resumed our regular monthly meetings
National Industrial Association with international membership
- Pittsburgh in 2019 (when I was a speaker)
- Online: Zoom 2020 և 2021 - Watch the 27th ASBA Annual Meeting և Conference - Online in October
- But I warn you that shipping should be carefully considered in accordance with international dates.
- Personally, I would not try to repeat face-to-face conferences - multiple sessions over a long period of time - space events so that people are not overly excited about the time zone difference.